About:This web-site is about my photography and travel, and the only purpose is to show my photographs in different ways. The photographs are best viewed on a good screen with full HD resolution, but will also work on a smartphone if you scroll sideways. Try hitting the [F11] key to view the site in full-screen. [F11] again to return to normal browser view. You can mousover an image when viewing an automatic slide-show to suspend it. Move the cursor away from the image area to resume. Clicking on thumbnails opens a full-size image in a new window. How to use: All images can be viewed in one of 3 different types of galleries: Contact:My two older generation web-sites (my current is the 3rd generation):My first web-site completed in 1996 My second web-site completed in 2005 På Norsk (In Norwegian):Jeg er norsk, og bor ofte i Norge. Hvorfor skrive på engelsk? Jeg har bodd flere år i utlandet (i tilsammen 8 ulike land inkludert Norge), og reiser mye. Jeg har derfor mange bekjente som ikke snakker norsk. Derimot er det få av mine norske venner som ikke snakker engelsk, så valget var enkelt. Cookies:Ths site does not use cookies, except for the slideshows to remember where you left off. The only other information collected is the statistical data typically collected by most web-servers on the Internet. This web-site has no code written to collect data. DisclaimerClick here for Disclaimer and other legal stuff |